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Upper El Lesson 4th


  • 4th only - You will pick these kids up from their classroom at 8:45. Leave the music room by 8:42 to be down there on time. Room: 33

  • Have students go to their riser spots. These can be found in the colored folders in the bin on my desk at Bursley. Remind students to “do their jobs” if they haven’t already. They should get you the class folder, contract, and a pencil.

  • Call on 3-5 students to share good things. Just something good going on in their lives

  • Announcements: 8:55 (4th only)


  • Game: Gonggi

    • They learned this game in January, but it's a dice game from Korea similar to jacks. You can watch this video to review. After watching, they can split into partners and give each partner pair 5 to share.


  • Video: Blast


    • When they seem done with Gonggi, (after maybe 15 min. or so) have them clean up and either sit on their riser spot or on the carpet to watch Blast, which is essentially a marching band on stage. Have them watch until there are about 10-15 minutes left of class.


  • Game: "We Are Steady". 

    • They should be familiar with this one, but it's been a while  since we've played. Students should stand in a circle with the football (it's red and light grey - soft. If you can't find the football, any soft ball will do or you can send one student down to the gym to ask Mr. Bosch). They pat pat clap and sing "We are, we are steady, get ready THROW" to the tune of "We Will Rock You". On "THROW" the person holding the ball gently throws it to someone. If that person catches it, the thrower sits down and the song/game repeat with no pause. Continue until someone drops the ball or it is thrown too early/too late. Count the number of kids sitting, and that's their class score.

  • Book: 4th - Who Was Aretha Franklin? 5th and 6th - Who Was Dolly Parton?

    • With about 5 minutes left of class, find the post it that matches their class in the book and read until the end of class. Move the post it to wherever you leave off.

  • When class is over, they should do their end of class jobs (put away contract, folder, and pencil) and then line up on the orange dot against the whiteboard to leave.

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